Cheap Flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla

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Flight deals from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla

Looking for a cheap last-minute deal or the best return flight from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla? Find the lowest prices on one-way and return tickets right here.

How to find the best cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla with Skyscanner Flight Search

Whether you’re looking for a one-way or return flight, compare deals on plane tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla with all major carriers, and find the cheapest fares, using Skyscanner’s Flight Search.

  • Simply hit ‘search’ – our Flight Search tool compares prices from all major online travel agents and airlines that offer flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla to help you find the best and cheapest tickets – with no hidden fees or extra costs

  • Flex your dates – use Skyscanner’s ‘whole month’ tool to find the cheapest time to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla within your selected dates

  • Find direct flights – tick ‘direct flights only’ to only see direct plane tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla, if available

  • Search for nearby airports - broaden your search and potentially find even better deals for nearby airports in Kuala Lumpur and Riyan Mukalla by selecting "add nearby airports" in the Flight Search tool

  • Book a multi-city trip – planning on visiting more than one location on your journey? Select ‘multi-city’ when searching for flights to find the best deals for stop-overs

  • Choose your flight class – compare prices for economy, business, and first class plane tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukallaand get the best deals however you choose to fly

  • Use airline points – check whether your chosen airline has a points system, such as Airpoints, to unlock flight ticket discounts and make savings on future trips from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla - and other destinations

Get Price Alerts to keep track of airfare changes

Score the best prices on cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla with Skyscanner’s Price Alerts. Use Flight Search to find flights for your route, then click the “Get Price Alerts” button on the top left of the results page to get a notification to your phone or e-mail whenever ticket prices go up or down. For mobile users, click the bell on the top right. You can also create Price Alerts using the free Skyscanner app.

Plan your trip to Riyan Mukalla all in one place with hotels and car hire

Discover the best deals on hotels and car hire in Riyan Mukalla to keep all your bookings in one place and make your journey as smooth as possible. Simply use Skyscanner’s search tool to compare prices from top hotel and car providers across the country, from global to local brands.

Find hotels in Riyan Mukalla
Find car hire in Riyan Mukalla

Book flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla with peace of mind

Fly from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla with peace of mind using Skyscanner’s helpful tips and resources.

  • Find flexible tickets – use Flight Search to book flexible tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla (with eligible airlines) to protect your money if your flights are changed or cancelled

  • Keep track of travel information– make sure you check the latest travel guidance before you fly to Riyan Mukalla - including visa requirements, health alerts, and more - to avoid unexpected delays

  • Check your travel insurance – make sure you have the right travel insurance before your trip from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla to cover you for any unexpected events, such as cancellations, delays, and lost luggage

  • Add travel cost protection - avoid travel pitfalls and choose Travel Cost Protection with Skyscanner when booking flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla. It's available at the checkout for eligible destinations

Make greener choices with sustainable flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla

Did you know that with Skyscanner Flight Search, you can filter flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla to only see routes with lower-than-average carbon emissions? Simply select "Only show flights with lower CO2 emissions" under "Greener choices" in the filter menu, or look for the "Greener Choices" label at the top of flights listings.

Read more about Skyscanner's commitment to sustainable travel

Unlock exclusive deals with the Skyscanner app

Download the free Skyscanner app today and unlock exclusive deals on cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Riyan Mukalla, car hire, and hotels at anytime, from anywhere.

Download the Skyscanner app today

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Prices shown on this page are estimated lowest prices only. Found in the last 45 days.